Interface MemoryManagerMXBean

All Superinterfaces:
MemoryManagerMXBean, PlatformManagedObject
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface MemoryManagerMXBean extends MemoryManagerMXBean
Platform-specific management interface for a memory manager of the Java virtual machine

This platform extension is only available to a memory manager implementation that supports this extension.

  • Method Details

    • isValid

      default boolean isValid()
      Indicate whether or not the manager is currently valid. A memory manager may be removed by a Java virtual machine and become invalid.
      Specified by:
      isValid in interface MemoryManagerMXBean
      true if the manager is valid; false otherwise.
    • getVersion

      default String getVersion()
      Returns, as a String, the version of the MemoryManagerMXBean API. The format is majorVersion.minorVersion.microVersion.

      Memory manager specific attributes, if any, can be obtained via the CompositeData interface.

      MBeanServer access:
      The mapped type of MemoryType is String.

      a String object representing the memory manager version; or null if no version information is available.